Phosphorus Theatre Dear Home Office. An Applied Theatre project with unaccompanied minor young men, developed in partnership with Afghan Association Paiwand.
Dina Mousawi, Director
Terrestrial Journeys film excerpt
Ice and Fire
Asylum Monologues
Verbatim Theatre
Helen East and Rick Wilson
Universal to Personal: the story circle
Folktales and music provide a doorway to connecting with refugee narratives as Helen and Rick perform an excerpt from a musical storytelling presentation created for a refugee camp as part of the Hakaya Al Balad Festival and British Council, Jordan, storytelling project
Fargespill with Ole Hamre and Sissel Saue
Fargespill is an intimate, musical meeting with young peoples’ stories about who they are and where they come from, told through music and dance from their respective cultures.
University College London Department of Anthropology in partnership with the Institute of Advanced Studies (UCL), Organization for Identity and Cultural Development, ArtEZ Institute of the Arts (Netherlands) and the Armenian Institute.
Funded by University College London Knowledge Exchange Programme
Photo credit: Fargespill by Helge Hansen