Mark Grigorian, Executive Director of Public Radio of Armenia, will discuss difficulties facing the institution, exploring opposing approaches. Is it a real public service or a mouthpiece of the government?
Born in Yerevan, Grigorian graduated from Yerevan State University and later earned a PhD in Philology. He has worked as a journalist since 1993 in a variety of media, including as editor of Svoboda (Freedom) Russian language newspaper, AIM (Armenian International Magazine), and the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR) in London where he went following an assassination attempt in Yerevan. He then worked with the BBC World Service before returning to Armenia in 2014, hosting programmes on Armenia TV and ATV. The author of many books, Grigorian is also a cofounder of the Caucasus Institute in Yerevan.
Admission: £5 to include a wine reception.