Leave a Legacy Gift

After you have looked after your loved ones, pledging a gift to a charity can be a powerful statement of your values, and the kind of world you would like to leave behind.

Over the years the Armenian Institute has benefited from the valuable legacies of many friends and supporters. These contributions have varied from generous financial donations to the donation of libraries. If you wish to ensure that the Armenian Institute continues its valuable mission, you can leave a legacy gift.

Deciding on the type of gift

Your estate is made up of everything you own: your property, your car, any money in the bank or in cash, stocks, ISAs, or similar. There are a few ways you can leave some of this to charity:

  • A percentage or the whole of your estate, known as a residuary gift. Even a small percentage could do so much.

  • A pecuniary gift: a fixed sum or ‘cash’ gift.

  • An item or property, such as books.

  • Archive material

We understand that when making your will, your loved ones will take priority, but if you wish to leave a gift to the Armenian Institue there are several ways you can do this. Below we have outlined some suggestions and assistance to help you in this very important decision.

  • There are a few different ways that you can structure your planned gift in your Will. We recommend you use a qualified solicitor to ensure your wishes are recorded properly. Our Director would be happy to talk you through the different types of gifts.

  • You don’t need to tell us, but if you feel comfortable sharing your intentions, we’d love the chance to thank you.

    We can keep you up to date with how gifts are helping in an annual newsletter and invite to join the Armenian Insitute as a member as well as invites to other special events.

  • We have prepared information with suggested wording which can be tailored to suit the type of gift you would like to leave the Armenian Institute. The clauses are of a general nature to ensure that your wishes can be honoured, and your gift will pass to Armenian Institute for its charitable purposes. In all cases wording should be carefully reviewed by you and your solicitor in the context of your Will.

    Our suggested wording is as follows. Our Director would be pleased to provide further advice on wording and to answer in confidence any questions you might have. Please contact juan@armenianinstitute.org.uk.

    Suggested wording:

    a) I give, free of tax to Armenian Institute, company registered charity number 1088410 at 1 Onslow St, London EC1N 8AS (“Armenian Institute”) for [its general charitable purposes] [state specific purpose], such sum, (“the Legacy”), as shall be produced by multiplying [insert amount in words] pounds (£[insert amount in figures]) by the index figure in the Retail Prices Index for the month immediately preceding my death and dividing the product by the index figure for the month in which my Will is executed.

    b) If the Retail Price Index shall have been replaced by another official index, and/ or if the basis of computation of the Retail Prices Index or such other index shall have been altered, my Executors shall have the discretion to determine the amount of the Legacy in accordance with such formula as seems to them just and reasonable in the circumstances.

    c) If there shall be no such index at the time of my death, the Legacy shall be [insert amount in words] pounds (£[insert amount in figures]) increased by simple interest of [insert percentage in figures] percent per annum from the date of execution of my Will until the date of my death.

    d) I direct that if, at my death, the Armenian Institute has merged with another charity which merger is registered under the Charities Act 1993 and to which s75F of the Charities Act 1993 applies, my executors shall pay the Legacy to such charity with which Armenian Institute has merged in accordance with such statutory provision.

    e) I further direct that if at my death the Armenian Institute has ceased to exist in circumstances in which the provisions of s75F of the Charities Act 1993 do not apply or is subject to a winding up order, my executors shall instead pay the Legacy to the charitable organisation which in their discretion they consider most nearly fulfils the objects of the Armenian Institute.

    f) I further direct that the receipt of a person who appears to be the Director, Secretary or other proper officer of the Armenian Institute (or of any substituted charity to which the Legacy is paid) shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executors.

  • Yes, you can. We welcome gifts that can be spent wherever the need is greatest because they help us carry out the most urgent work. We are thrilled to receive gifts that support an area of our work that is important to you for example, education or conservation. That means you can choose precisely what your money is spent on.

  • Yes, the Armenian Insitute would be delighted to take care of libraries, books, archive material or works of art. Please contact the Director for further details.

  • Gifts to charities are exempt from Inheritance Tax, meaning that leaving a gift to the Armenian Institute may help reduce your Inheritance Tax liability. If you leave 10% or more of the net value of your estate to charity in your Will, your estate will qualify for Inheritance Tax at the reduced rate of 36% (rather than 40%).

    Everyone's tax situation is different. Your solicitor will be able to tell you more about the ways charitable giving may reduce Inheritance Tax on your estate.

  • Please contact us if you are an executor for a legacy supporting the Armenian Institute so we can work with you to create a meaningful and personal legacy for the person who has passed away. It is helpful if you can contact us at the start of the administration process so we can help guide you through it. For audit purposes we are required to have a copy of the Will and Grant of Probate on file.

    For more information, contact:

    Dr Juan de Lara, Director




Let us know about your planned gift. It allows us to thank you now by inviting you to join our Members.

As part of our exclusive membership we will keep you up to date with how gifts are helping in an annual newsletter and invitation to a special events.

Please contact the Director to find out more.


Speak to a member of the Legacy team about planning a gift in your Will today.