
Dance Workshop

The Armenian Institute organised a dance workshop for its current and former language students  on Saturday, 1 April 2017, from 1.30 to 3.30 pm at Nevart Gulbenkian Church Hall, Iverna Gardens , W8 6TP. The workshop was led by Shakeh Major Tchilingirian, an acclaimed solo dance artist and choreographer. The purpose of this workshop was to introduce the participants to the symbolism and meanings encoded in Armenian folk dances. No previous dance experience nor any prior knowledge was required. The single condition of participation was to communicate in Armenian only throughout the workshop;  when necessary miming, facial expressions and hand gestures were allowed!

Food Workshop

The Armenian Institute organised a workshop on Armenian cooking on Saturday, 3 June 2017, from 1 to 3 pm at Nevart Gulbenkian Hall, Iverna Gardens, W8 6TP, for current and past students of Armenian. The workshop was led in West Armenian by Ani King-Underwood, assisted by Sona Kalenderian. The only language used during the workshop was West Armenian. Students of East Armenian were encouraged to attend; if needed, help was at hand to 'translate' from Armenian to Armenian …

Both workshops were supported by a grant from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
