Dr. Susan Pattie is a cultural anthropologist, writer and project manager. An Honorary Senior Research Associate at University College London, she has written numerous publications about the Armenian diaspora, including the ethnography Faith in History: Armenians Rebuilding Community (Smithsonian Institute Press, 1997). Co-founder and former Director of the Armenian Institute, she has also served as Director of the Armenian Museum of America and as Program Manager of the National Armenian Genocide Centennial Commemorations in Washington,D.C. She was Project Manager of Engaging Refugee Narratives: Perspectives from Academia and the Arts, held at UCL, and leader of the pilot project of the Armenian Diaspora Study initiated by the Gulbenkian Foundation. Her other publications include Who Are the Armenians? (a children’s book), Treasured Objects: Armenian Daily Life in the Ottoman Empire 100 Years Ago, and The Armenian Legionnaires: Sacrifice and Betrayal in WWI. (IB Tauris Press, 2018).