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Hrant Dink Memorial Event - Hate Speech & Armenians in Turkey Today, with Garo Paylan MP

  • Armenian Institute (map)

This year, for our annual event commemorating the 2007 assassination of Hrant Dink, Armenian Institute is honoured to be joined by Garo Paylan, Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) member of parliament representing Diyarbakir. Mr Paylan will discuss the issue of hate speech in today’s Turkey, and how this enables both everyday and extreme violence against Armenians and other oppressed identities. The issue of hate speech opens the broader question of Armenians’ position in Turkey today, and the role they can play in the struggle for democratisation and dignity for all Turkey’s peoples.

Running Time
7.30 - Opening, Hrant & His Legacy
Nouritza Matossian, an author and the director of the first documentary film made on Hrant Dink, based on their conversations, prize winner, 'Hrant Dink, Heart of Two Nations.'

7.35 - Hate Speech & Armenians in Today’s Turkey
Garo Paylan MP

8.05 - Q&A
Chaired by Nouritza Matossian

8.30 - Closing


Nouritza Matossian is the biographer of Iannis Xenakis and Arshile Gorky. A performer and human rights activist, she is a founder member and former director of the Armenian Institute. Nouritza introduced Hrant Dink to London 5 April 2005 and made the first documentary film of their private conversations for the 40th Day Memorial after his murder, 19 January 2007. The longer award-winning version Hrant Dink, Heart of Two Nations has been released online for the first time for this event: watch it here.


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