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Music Without Borders: Armenians and Their Neighbours: Acoustic Connections Over Time and Space

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The Armenian Institute with the Department of Music, King's College London

Researchers and musicians from around the world explore the complex socio-cultural contexts of music made by Armenians and their neighbours.   Presenters at this two day workshop look at how music is interwoven with daily life, how it adjusts and evolves over time and transitions, provides solace in need, creates bridges and barriers, separates and connects us.

Thursday evening’s session, hosted by ethnomusicologist Martin Stokes, includes keynote presentations by Melissa Bilal and Harout Arakelian, looking at Armenian music-making in the early twentieth century in 2 related but very different environments, Istanbul and the United States.  On Friday evening, the film Garod will be discussed by musician Ara Dinkjian with directors, Burcu Yıldız and Onur Günay. Following Ara and his father, singer Onnik Dinkjian, as they walk the streets of their ancestral city, Diyarbakir/Tigranagert, the film brings the roots of their music to life.  It also has an unexpected after-life in the songs of their Kurdish neighbours.  Sessions on Friday afternoon will provide a range of perspectives and ideas, including ways in which musicians engage with ideas of memory and loss as well as creativity and transformations inspired by neighbours.

Both evenings and Friday afternoon sessions are open to the public on Zoom – please join us. The conference is free of charge.