Hrant Dink's Memory in Action

Since 2007, on 19th January every year thousands gather outside the old Agos newspaper office in Istanbul, now the newly-opened Site of Memory, to remember Hrant Dink. The Armenian Institute has held a similar commemoration for the last 13 years in London, to gather Armenians, Turks, Kurds and the wider international community to mark Hrant Dink’s life and unjust murder.

In 2020 we wanted to focus on the legacy he has left behind, aptly titled Hrant Dink's memory drives action: sorrow turns to hope. We invited Nayat Karoköse, the programme coordinator for the Hrant Dink Foundation in Istanbul, to talk about the work of the foundation and the recently opened 23.5 Hrant Dink Site of Memory.

A place of tribute, remembrance and reflection, it is a space for visitors to learn more about Hrant's life, his contribution to the discourse around human rights in Turkey, and a space for visitors to share their ideas and thoughts about the world, especially those who seek to support freedom, open dialogue and democracy. Nayat's presentation demonstrated how Hrant's tragic death brought about action and greater unity among disparate communities who share common values. The site was officially opened last summer and welcomed the Mayor of Istanbul recently. 

We were honoured to have Huberta von Voss-Wittig, executive director of the Institute for Strategic Dialogue Germany, who read an excerpt of an interview with Hrant which featured in her book, Portraits of Hope, Armenians in the Contemporary World. The evening closed with a beautiful rendition of Bingyol by Kurdish/Alevi singer Suna Alan, a favourite song of Hrant's. 

The Armenian Institute wishes to thank our board member, Nouritza Matossian, an author, activist and a friend of Hrant's who has led the commemoration events each year for us. Also, St Yegiche Church, the Vache and Tamara Manougian Foundation for granting us this beautifully inspiring venue, and Viken Halajian and Lorees Arakelian for assisting us. Many thanks to Vahakn Matossian Gehlhaar for his technical support and finally special thanks to Hasan Demir, owner of Zara Restaurant South End Green, Hampstead for providing all the drinks and food on the night. 

by Tatiana der Avedissian (board member and advisor for AI )