Welcoming the New Ambassador

Our director Tatevik Ayvazyan and trustees Tatiana Der Avedissian and Stephen Masters attended the reception to welcome His Excellency Varuzhan Nersesyan, the ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to the UK on 29 September. The evening was organised by the Armenian Community Council and it was pleasure to meet so many new and old friends in person, after all the lockdowns!

We chatted with the new ambassador about possible collaboration plans, joint events and introducing more contemporary Armenian culture to the British public, and we can’t wait to host H.E. Varuzhan Nersesyan in our library soon.

We are very grateful to ACC and its chairman Armand Abramian for the invitation and their excellent work in the community.

The Armenian Institute is also proud to host the ambassador on 5 October 2021, reflecting on the impacts of the devastating 44-day war.
