News from Saffron Hill

Exciting news!  On June 1, we began moving all our books to our new space on Saffron Hill. The new mobile shelves are in place and stacked with the books. We are gradually setting up to be ready for the day when lockdown is lifted enough that volunteers can come and help us to properly arrange and catalogue the library and archives.  And in the perhaps slightly more distant future, when we can once more meet with all our friends in person there.

We sincerely thank the Tanielian family who are making this special place available for the Armenian Institute to provide services and events for the community, researchers, artists and others.  It has been a goal for many years and we now look forward to growing and exploring new connections and possibilities.

We are very grateful to our volunteers who continued to see us through the waiting period – and top of that list must be AI trustee Richard Anooshian, who acted as our moral support and link with the construction team, and Keyvan Lankarani, our architect, who provided us with a steady stream of drawings and professional advice indicating new possibilities all along the way.  Both Richard and Keyvan have been patient and steady throughout and are greatly appreciated.

A huge thank you to all our donors who are making the move possible.  As everyone knows, there are daily expenses in any new space and the generosity of our donors makes it possible to stretch to the large costs while taking care of all the small ones mounting up.

Please note we are no longer at the Nevarte Gulbenkian Hall and we will send out a big SHOUT when it is possible to visit us at Saffron Hill. Meanwhile, our activities continue online and we look forward to seeing you all there.