Farewells and Welcomes

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We want to give a huge thank you to Belinda Keheyan as she ends her 6 year term as trustee, having truly given generously of her time and talents throughout.  Fortunately, Belinda will stay with us on the Advisory Board so she is not going far!  Her place is taken by the Tatiana Der Avedissian whom we welcome very warmly!

Recently Ani King Underwood also stepped down when her term ended, this being her second time of serving as she was one of the founding "parents" of AI back in 2001. Ani also continues on the Advisory Committee and has been replaced by the multi-talented Stephen Masters whom we also give a very hearty welcome.

Tatiana and Stephen will be joining our chair Dr. Rebecca Jinks, and trustees Arda Eghiayan and Richard Mourad Anooshian.